Environmental & Occupational Health And Safety Policy

Environmental & Occupational Health And Safety Policy

As AKDENİZ ENTEGRE GIDA SANAYİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ, in the Processing of Poultry Meat, Salami Canned Products, Smoked Products and Ready Meal Products Design and Production;
- To comply with all National and International standards and compliance obligations regarding Environment, Occupational Health and Safety,
- To use appropriate equipment and technology for a healthy and safe working environment,
- To reduce risks by working to eliminate the dangers that may cause environmental accidents, work accidents and occupational diseases during our activities,
- Evaluating the effects of new investments and processes in terms of Environment, Occupational Health and Safety at the project stage,
- Taking the opinions of employees and employee representatives in our processes that affect the environment and OHS performance, and ensuring their participation,
- To act with the understanding of a traceable, measurable and target-able management system in order to continuously improve the performance of Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety management and to increase efficiency in all processes,
- To ensure the protection of natural resources by reducing the use of raw materials by using appropriate technologies that cause the least harm to the environment within the framework of technical and economic possibilities,
- By following the wastes generated during our activities, in parallel with the zero waste target, to encourage and support waste reduction activities, to ensure reuse, recovery/recycling, and to dispose of them when not possible,
- To organize training activities for the creation and development of environmental and OHS awareness of all employees and to ensure the continuous improvement of the existing system
- It is fundamental to our organization.